Check-upward Exam
At North River Animal Hospital, we offering the Wellness Exam as an almanac check-up to gauge the quality of your pet'southward wellness.

Akin to the annual concrete test or "check-up", a Health Examination is recommended for non-sick pets who see their veterinary on a yearly or bi-yearly basis.

What is Included in the Wellness Exam?

To help ameliorate and extend the quality of your pet's life, our veterinarians will review the following health indicators during the Wellness Exam:


Reviewing your pet's history is an important component during the Health Exam. Our veterinary support staff volition first review and document your pet'southward history earlier meeting with one of our doctors. Nosotros will discuss any present concerns related to your pet's health including any change in concrete symptoms or behavior. We volition also discuss your pet'south quality of life including appetite, activity level, daily habits, family interactions, parasite control and more than. Delight note whatsoever changes in your pet'due south demeanor or physical appearance that may give you cause for concern.

The Physical Exam

During the Physical Exam, our veterinarians will thoroughly explore physical indicators that assist determine the overall health of your pet including:

  • Status of Coat – the condition of your domestic dog or cat'south fur can indicate health issues when the glaze shows signs of dryness, flakiness, or excessive oiliness. Missing patches of fur tin can also indicate poor or degrading health.
  • Optics – while examining your dog or true cat'south eyes, our veterinarians will look for signs of cloudiness, tearing or discharge, healthy heart symmetry and movement and signs of any abnormalities. If your pet has reached his or her geriatric years, a painless eye pressure test may be recommended if whatever signs of illness or failing eyesight is apparent.
  • Ears – weather that may cause either acute or chronic ear conditions with your domestic dog or cat is quite common. A discharge from one or both ears, an odor, head shaking or scratching are symptoms that can exist addressed along with hearing quality.
  • Auscultation – listening to the middle and lungs using a stethoscope is a routine procedure during the concrete exam to make up one's mind if any weather condition are nowadays such every bit an abnormal heart rhythm or other cardiac trouble, lung congestion, wheezing or difficulty in breathing.
  • Mouth, Teeth and Gums – the mouth of your domestic dog or cat tin can be a breeding basis for bacteria, fungi, and viruses that tin atomic number 82 to infections perhaps caused from injuries due to cuts/lacerations, periodontal affliction, gingivitis, dental decay, plaque build-upwards and other conditions. Signs of abnormal dental and mouth health can include bad breath, abnormal chewing or swallowing patterns, loss of appetite, sores, ulcers or broken teeth.
  • Respiratory Tract and Olfactory organ – a thorough overview of your canis familiaris or cat's nose, throat and respiratory tract can uncover abnormal conditions highlighted by a runny discharge, dryness, snorting, nasal congestion, or breathing issues.
  • Palpitation – during the physical examination, feeling along the areas of the neck, chest, ribcage, stomach, spine, front and hind legs, and tail can help your veterinarian uncover signs of suspicious growths or tumors, cysts, hurting indicators caused by injury, lameness, tenderness to the abdomen and internal organs (tummy, spleen, liver, intestines) in order to completely asses your pet's overall health.
  • Weight – dietary management of your pet is of import to foreclose issues associated with obesity, lameness and other chronic health problems. Weight loss tin can besides be an indicator of health issues associated with your pet'due south endocrine system, an injury to the mouth, dental decay, a strange body obstruction, behavioral issues and more. On every exam, we will update your pet's weight in our records in social club to keep an accurate log of whatsoever changes that may occur.
  • Mobility – signs of lameness, pain, disproportion in gait, neurological conditions, and injury are just some conditions that your veterinarian can determine when observing how active, bright and warning, or how engaged your dog behaves in the exam room. This type of observation is very common during a Wellness Exam including watching how your dog walks upwards and down one of our hallways.

Recommended Bloodwork And Other Laboratory Tests

During the Wellness Exam, a recommendation to obtain a blood sample from your true cat or dog is also quite mutual for preventative care or if your veterinarian feels it is necessary to pursue farther diagnostic measures on a pet who is displaying aberrant conditions. Some reasons why bloodwork may be recommended include:

  • Yearly Wellness Bloodwork – a comprehensive bloodwork panel which tin can potentially catch any health issues in the early on stages of disease even if no physical symptoms are nowadays.
  • Geriatric Contour – highly recommend for aging pets (viii+ years of age) in social club to review the functionality of internal organs such as the liver or kidneys which may degrade with historic period.
  • Pre-surgical Bloodwork – a blood screening required for pets undergoing an elective process later on the Health Exam such as an ovariohysterectomy (spay) or neuter. Test results can help to decide any health factors or concerns before your domestic dog or cat undergoes anesthesia.
  • Comprehensive Canine or Feline Bloodwork – for pets who show signs of wellness concerns during the Health Exam, bloodwork may exist recommended by your veterinarian in order to explore bug associated with sickness, an infection, liver or kidney issues, diabetes, and more.
  • Parasite Screening – obtaining a stool sample from your domestic dog or true cat may exist necessary to determine the presence of whatsoever parasites such as giardia, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, or tapeworms.
  • Heartworm Exam – a heartworm test is recommended on a yearly footing for canines because of the prevalence of heartworm disease, particularly in our region of the U.s.a.. This exam is required annually when purchasing heartworm preventative from our hospital in order to ensure the continual health of your dog. Laboratory tests are sent out immediately and results are usually returned to us within 24 hours if not the same solar day.
  • Urinalysis – frequency of urination, signs of blood in the urine, indications of bladder stones discovered during the physical exam, constipation, or a bear witness of abnormal behavior during urination are but some of the reasons your veterinarian may recommend retrieving a urine sample during the Health Exam.
  • Pare Test – when signs of abnormal pare conditions are apparent during the Wellness Test, a skin test may be recommended which can be performed during the test. Examination results tin uncover issues that tin include the presence of parasites (mange), fungal and bacterial infections, skin allergies, and dermatitis.


Upon physical examination or after discussing an abnormal history of your pet's mobility or behavior, your veterinary may recommend an ten-ray. This in-house test tin help make up one's mind any specific causes of pain, lameness, mobility bug or internal abnormalities.

At North River Animate being Hospital, our 10-ray unit has been upgraded with the latest state-of-the-fine art digital imaging technology. In order to ensure that your dog or true cat always receives adept care, we as well incorporate the services of a tiptop-level veterinarian radiologist if further consultation is necessary later on a review of your pet's images.